Save Lincoln Grade!

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The unique beauty of the Horse Heaven Hills takes our breath away when we enter Prosser. Many of us enjoy Lincoln Grade both for exercise and for its beauty. It is a true treasure that we all have a stake in protecting, especially as it is recognized as an endangered habitat. Only 12% of the shrub-steppe remains in Washington, and it plays an important part in wildfire mitigation and providing homes for our native fauna.

The SE2 Board has been communicating with the City to preserve the the ridgeline south of Prosser as a cultural asset for our community. If you’re interested in donating toward the Lincoln Grade project, would like to participate, or have contacts with land owners in the area, we would love to hear from you!

Other urban trails, restoration and education projects are also part of our long-term plans. If you’d believe in the importance of access to nature and education about our local habitat, please use the contact form above and let us know!


Prosser Science Expo April 20 10am-1pm 2024


Virtual Talks